5 years ago I started sewing items for Theodore as a baby. First a baby burrito then a car seat canopy. When I was on maternity leave with him I looked into starting my own Etsy shop, but never pursued it. Here I am 5 years, 2 babies later, in the middle of a pandemic and Oscar’s Garage was created. I never would have thought the first product I would sell would be a face mask, but so far it has been my bestseller yet ;-). In Luke 12, Jesus is talking to his disciples and speaking to them about “Being Ready”. He goes on to talk about doing the master’s will and being set over all his possessions. Jesus ends this message by saying, “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” I think during this time more than ever we are called as believers to use our skills and gifts for good whether that is sewing masks, baking cookies, writing a card, using our humor to lift others up...