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Our sweet Oscar will be 27 weeks on Wednesday, September 20. One thing Brian and I wanted to do was get bracelets to help individuals to remember to pray for Oscar and our family. We have partnered with Threads of Hope, Inc. to do a Love Project with Oscar's bracelets. This means that 100% of the funds from #OscarStrong bracelets will go straight back to the work Threads of Hope is doing in the Philippines.

You may be asking why Threads of Hope. Well...Threads of Hope was a booth at Bible Missionary Conference at Beulah Beach this summer.  If you read our story from the beginning at this conference on July 23, I said to Brian, "I think something is wrong with our baby" and then on July 24 my feelings were confirmed with a call that we needed our anatomy ultrasound bumped up and some additional appointments scheduled that day too. 1. to see the genetic counselor and 2. to have a consult with the MFM doctor as well. Threads of Hope not holds a place in my heart and is an organization I plan to support when I can.

So how do you get a bracelet? We currently only have 75 and they will go on a first come basis. The bracelets are a $1.00 each, but if you would like to give more than a dollar you can and please know that a 100% of the money will go back to Threads of Hope, Inc.. Please reach out to Brian or I in person, text, email, FB message, or a comment on here.
If we run out of bracelets and you live in the Toledo area please attend Sylvania Fall Festival on Sunday, October 15, from 11am-4pm. Threads of Hope will be there with all of their products and Brian and I will be helping work the booth that day. Theodore and Chuck may show up too. :-) On October 15th, once all expenses are paid (booth rental, cost of goods, etc...) as a small fundraiser Threads of Hope is splitting their profits with us. The money our family receives will go towards paying for medical bills that are uncovered by insurance, travel expenses (we requested a referral to be written for Nationwide Children's Hospital HeartCenter in Columbus with hopes that when Oscar is stable and strong enough he will have heart surgery there), and finally just additional expenses with having a chronically ill child (one example is bottles for babies with a cleft palate are $25-$30 each).

Thank you for being on this journey with us and praying for our son to stay #OscarStrong.


  1. I am so thankful you emailed today and sent a link to your blog. I've been reading and reading your sweet blog since then. Somehow, I did not know at all about Oscar's story. I would truly love a bracelet. Praying so earnestly with you all.


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