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Safe to Shore

One of Theodore’s favorite movies to watch is Finding Dory. Near the beginning of the film when Dory meets Hank, an octopus who can’t stand the thought of being released back to the ocean, he brings to light a very peculiar human interaction. Hank pokes fun of our response to the question “How are you?” He is flabbergasted at our human nature of simply saying “fine” or “good” when presented with this question. He cannot fathom why all humans seem to have the same fake answer. For the first time in my life, I truly have to pause when asked “How are you doing?” or “How is your day?”
As a father and husband I have been confronted with the fact that I am in a situation that I cannot fix with my own strength. I am left feeling powerless and drifting at sea. The only fix I can provide is to turn the situation over to the Lord. It is His strength that has allowed me to keep going. Learning to trust in Him and in His plan is a struggle that I try to overcome on a daily basis.
Recently at church we were introduced to a new song entitled “My Lighthouse”. The lyrics paint a beautiful picture of where my faith is right now.

You are the peace in my troubled sea
You are the peace in my troubled sea
My lighthouse, my lighthouse
Shining in the darkness. I will follow You
My lighthouse, my lighthouse
I will trust the promise
You will carry me safe to shore…

That is my prayer each day. I pray that I am able to trust in the Lord to carry me safe to shore, no matter where that shore may be or the challenges I may face. Through these rough seas, my hope and faith are centered on my Lord and Savior to be my Lighthouse.
So, how am I doing? How is my family doing? We are doing as well as can be expected. Through the love and support of the family and friends around us, as well as the prayers that have been lifted up for Oscar and us, we are navigating these troubled seas together. Somedays are tougher than others. It at times is very hard to calm your mind and focus on the day to day tasks that never seem to stop coming. So Please keep praying. Your prayers are a great source of strength and are felt on a daily basis by Julie and I.
Let me end this entry with another Theodore favorite movie reference. What do you do when life gets you down? JUST KEEP SWIMMING, JUST KEEP SWIMMING. Thanks for the advice Dory, I think that is exactly what we will do, swim all the way until we are safe at shore.


  1. So very raw and so very true- thanks for sharing Brian!


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