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Ways to Remember - Missing Oscar Day 12

Twelve days...that is how many days Oscar has been gone. It seems like so much has happened in 12 days that I think did I even have a baby? No pack n' play in the living room, baby clothes or burp cloths in the laundry basket, spit up on the floor, or the sound of newborn cries. Instead we have sympathy cards and flowers from Oscar's calling hours/memorial service and some pictures that haven't quite found their place on the walls, but they will. 
Oscar came at 35 weeks, 4 days. Brian and I were counting on Thanksgiving break to get final things ready for Oscar and we never got that opportunity. Our house feels like we are missing something or someone and we are, our sweet second son.
A day at a time, maybe only an hour, and sometimes even just a breath we will continue on this odyssey for Oscar. We will honor the Lord and celebrate and remember our son.
A few things we are working on to remember Oscar...

  1. Updating the blog to include all the Facebook post that are on this group page. We had many individuals that followed Oscar's Odyssey via our blog, so hopefully that will be done in the next few days pictures included ðŸ˜Š
  2. #OscarStrong shirt sale ends tomorrow, 12-29 the money from that sale will go in the #OscarStrong fund which will be used as a Scholarship/Memorial, something to help Toledo Hospital NICU babies/families, or both.
  3. I am making some items for the NICU. That will be a good way for me to give back and and also provide the NICU nurse with some colorful bedding to make those sweet babies' nest out of.
I have said it many times and I mean it every time, thank you, thank you for following our son's story, loving Oscar, and loving us. This has not been an easy 12 days for our family, but we serve a God that shares in our grief and is with us. #OscarStrong ðŸ’šðŸ’ª#TeamOscar
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.     -Isaiah 43:2-

***These photos were part of our NILMDTS photo shoot on Monday, 11-27-17.***


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